
Singing while driving: what type of car singer are you?

What type of car singer are you?

Even if you are so ashamed of your singing, there are two locations where we will catch you singing too. In the shower and in the car (when we are alone). While driving, this happens all the more naturally, as we usually have music in the background that stimulates us. Find out which type of car singer you identify with while listening to a man imitate 15 ways of singing while driving.

Med driving a car people like to be distracted, especially when we are alone. Most of the time let's turn into singers and probably the car for the most shy is the only place where they ever really sing at the top of their lungs. But we have probably all found ourselves in an awkward situation when we were in the element and we forgot about the world around us, and then a car stopped next to us at a traffic light and you felt that someone was looking at you on the left. Clearly then you act as if nothing happened, but you would prefer to be with yourself sunk into the ground.

READ MORE: 10 countries where driving is the most dangerous

But what does your journey look like in the car?
But what does your journey look like in the car?

Otherwise, it is singing while driving, as research has shown, useful, as they are "singing drivers" more focused on driving (unless you are an "eye-closer" type of singer, i.e. one who sings with his eyes closed) and they fall asleep behind the wheel less often.

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