
The ski slopes in the Alps show a green image! Who Stole Winter?

Ski resort in Garmisch.

Those who have already visited the ski resorts in the Alps this year wonder who stole the winter. After 2000, almost all Christmases in Slovenia were green, and 2015 (unfortunately) was no different. A white Christmas has clearly become more than just a thing of the imagination of the past, rather than a reality. But, as said, it is even worse. Alpine ski resorts are also showing a poor image, and some popular destinations are already starting to suffer chronically from a lack of snow. Photos from the field show the price they are paying for the unusually warm weather this year.

Did you know that he was in most of Slovenia? white christmas most recently in 2007? But Slovenia is not the only one suffering from lack of snow, places that were synonymous with snow share the same fate. Therefore, if you are planning to go to... skiing to any of the European ski resorts that are not exactly 3,000 meters above sea level, we suggest that you check the condition of the ski resort beforehand. Not so much what the weather will be like that day, but whether there is any snow on the tracks at all.

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The situation at the ski resort Tegelberg, Schwangau, Germany.
The situation at the ski resort Tegelberg, Schwangau, Germany.

Law rules even on higher-lying ski areas spring atmosphere, the snow is just to spit on, and the white tongues are very limited, especially on ski resorts that lack "height". They only buzz in higher-lying destinations snow cannons, and elsewhere, the cable car operators just look helplessly at the sky and hope for a shipment of at least low temperatures, if not snow.

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