Photo: envato

Secrets of the perfect basil: How to harvest and care for basil to keep it fresh and lush all year round!

Basil is an indispensable herb in the kitchen, which many of us love for its fresh taste and versatile use. However, it often happens that after purchase, basil quickly loses its vitality and no longer sprouts new leaves.

Here are some key tips on how to properly harvest and care for basil to keep your plant healthy and lush all year round.

Proper harvesting of basil

Let's start with harvesting, as this is crucial for the continued growth of the plant. The best time to harvest basil leaves is in the morning when the leaves are at their juiciest. When harvesting the leaves, it is important to tear them correctly - individual leaves are torn right at the base, where they meet the stem, so that the plant remains full and healthy. However, if you need a larger amount of basil, you can cut the whole stems, but be sure to cut no more than one-third of the plant, which will encourage the growth of new leaves and branches.​​

Photo: envato

Care of basil

Basil loves the sun, so plant it in a place where it will receive at least 6-8 hours of direct sunlight per day. The plant needs consistent moisture, but be careful not to let it stand in water, as this can cause root rot. Water it early in the morning or in the evening and always pour water directly on the root zone.


Due to their high nutritional needs, your basil will be grateful for extra nutrients in the summer. Organic liquid fertilizers mixed into watering water every two weeks are an ideal choice for maintaining lush growth.

Photo: envato

Prevention of flowering

Blooming basil can reduce the quality of its leaves. To prevent this, regularly remove flower buds as soon as they appear. This will stimulate the growth of new leaves and preserve the intense aroma of the plant.

Storage of surpluses

If you have more basil than you need, there are several ways to preserve it. You can freeze fresh leaves by placing them in a freezer bag or container and keep them for up to six months​​. Another option is to dry the basil. Cut the leaves and tie them into bunches, then hang them in a dark, well-ventilated place to dry. Store the dried leaves in airtight jars at room temperature.

Photo: envato

With regular and correct harvesting, consistent care and prevention of flowering, you can keep basil healthy and lush throughout the year. With these simple tips, your basil will always be as fresh and ready to use in the kitchen as if it had just been bought.

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