

In the past, Iztok Mlakar, Gledališče Koper and SNG Nova Gorica have already conquered the audience with the comedy Duohtar pod mus, which is nothing unusual, because Iztok Mlakar, with his slightly sensitive sense of articulating human virtues and "virtues", without exception hits the mark. Mlakar's slehernik is such a modern Slovenian...

Important information
Koper Theatre, Verdijeva ulica 3, Koper
Facebook event
Entrance fee
from 15 to 20 euros

In the past, Iztok Mlakar, Gledališče Koper and SNG Nova Gorica have already conquered the audience with the comedy Duohtar pod mus, which is nothing unusual, because Iztok Mlakar, with his sensitive sense of expressing human virtues and "virtues" without exception, captures the essence. Mlakar's slehernik is thus a modern-day Slovenian rich man, whose soul enjoys prosperity, until a heartless debt collector knocks on the door, from whom there is no escape. The author found inspiration in Hugo Hofmannsthal, who a century ago wrote Jedermann for the Salzburg Festival, inspired by English morality from the Middle Ages. If we know at least a fraction of Mlakar's sense of humor, the gift for making a point and the distance with which he approaches singing the world, the work is worth seeing.

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