
Slovenian application Venxly - earn by watching ads

Can you imagine a situation where you get paid to view an ad? Probably yes, in my dreams. Well, the Slovenian mobile app Venxly, invented by Miha J. Mulec, turns this into reality, so you can pinch yourself peacefully without waking up to a harsh reality where ads are only a necessary evil. Namely, the application sets new trends in advertising, as it will stimulate the visitor to visit the ad, for which he will be suitably rewarded.

Just as they are advertisements have long been an integral part of life, they have now become that too smartphones. And that's why when we know that it is mobile advertising the fastest growing form of advertising, it's not hard to connect the dots. But to a young Slovenian start-up that launched a mobile application Venxly, managed to add another dot, the user, and create a picture that appeals to all stakeholders. But Venxly doesn't offer some new, creative approach to ad display, but rather Viewing the ad is rewarded with payment.

At the same time, the platform ensures that the ad displayed is not random, but one that might still interest us in some way. As the author explains the idea Miha J. Mulec will ”the new advertising platform Venxly allows companies to be very precise they choose their target group. They will be able to choose according to their age and interests. Then, most importantly, they will send their advertising message to them at the exact time and in the exact location.” That way they will be satisfied the user (he will get ads that he is interested in and will be paid for viewing on top of that) as the advertiser (he will have a precisely defined target group and will be able to determine when and where ads are shown to them).

READ MORE: iCukoo - the application with which you donate

Venxly - service for your smartphone.
Venxly - service for your smartphone.

"Advertising forms are constantly changing. In the end, the one who is most efficient and it targets the right users at the right time. Venxly also rewards its users for their work. Isn't that the best thing?” he concludes rhetorically Anej Ferko (responsible for public relations). And what should the user do? Create a profile Venxly on the website and you are through Google Play install the app. When he then enters the "atmosphere" of a specific ad (read location), he receives a notification and until credits (this is transferred at the end of the month to Bank account) is only separated by a visit. Almost like sightseeing, then. Prime!

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