
Slovenian fashion blogs

Blogs have definitely become a new modern medium in the fashion field as well. Slovenia is no exception, and in the flood of various blogs we can find some that are worth visiting several times. On ulicnistil.com for inspiration from the streets of Ljubljana, on blog.fensismensi.com for beautiful photos and on oblacilnica.blogspot.com...

Blogs have definitely become a new modern medium in the fashion field as well. Slovenia is no exception, and in the flood of various blogs we can find some that are worth visiting several times. On ulicnistil.com for inspiration from the streets of Ljubljana, on blog.fensismensi.com for beautiful photos and on oblacilnica.blogspot.com for many stories from behind the scenes of fashion.


www.ulicnistil.com, www.blog.fensismensi.com, oblacilnica.blogspot.com

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