
Slovenian hanging cradle that puts the baby to sleep by itself!

Snoo smart cradle

The cradle as a symbol of birth, new life, new beginnings has a long tradition in Slovenia and is still an almost indispensable part of the inventory of parents of babies. If traditional cradles are made of wood, this one is very special; Namely, Anita Česnik Mažgon made a cradle from crocheted sides, the legs have been replaced by steel cables with which it hangs from the ceiling, and only the wooden bottom remains.

Hanging crochet cradle Slovenian production, which grew from a personal project to a business one, is a child Anita Cesnik Mažgon. After the original crocheted hanging cradle was outgrown by her third son, for whom it was created, the idea also grew into a business project. The cradle, crocheted from reused cotton, which hangs from the ceiling like a cloud, has a very special feature that will make parents even more happy: the baby falls asleep on its own, as it starts to rock even with the little one's slight movements, which calms him down. Slits in the crocheted sides meanwhile, they offer a fun game of shadows and light, which additionally helps the child to fall asleep.

The original hanging cradle was made from old sheets.
The original hanging cradle was made from old sheets.

Anita Česnik Mažgon is not a newcomer to the production of products for children on the online market Etsy you can find many of her products, crocheted cradles organic forms (it follows the shape of the womb, so the little ones in it feel as if they are still in the safe shelter of the womb) but it was intended as a unique project. But since it brought many positive results that she did not plan and expect, she offered the cradle on Etsy and quickly found buyers. Two of them have already traveled to the USA to date, and they helped her develop her business idea Katarina Kogoj and Matej Zrimšek. Together with the project, they celebrated some time ago at an intensive entrepreneurial weekend in the Technology Park in Novi Gore.

READ MORE: A hanging cradle made of felt that follows the shape of the womb

Meanwhile, the cradle is still being perfected and there is no doubt that it will be soon a new Slovenian project on Kickstarter. If you have a handmade cradle for babies until six months of age (or until the baby is walking) you like it, you can order it on Etsy to best meet your wishes, or you can send Anita your own material that you want to make a cradle with a 5 cm thick mattress and a stainless steel frame.

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