
Slovenian mountain wooden house: a little more modern than we are used to

Times are changing and maybe, just maybe, the image of mountain houses as we have known them until now will also change. Log cabins built from solid wood and logs, sometimes even thatched roofs, etc. of course they have their own charm, a fairy-tale touch if you will. In the Slovenian Studio Pikaplus, they designed a slightly more modern version of the house, but it is no less fairytale-like.

Theirs wooden house it has the peculiarity of letting the surroundings into most of its rooms, namely all rooms are glazed, so you can enjoy natural light most of the day. With the exception of the bathroom, where you can enjoy your privacy. In this way, they say in Studio Pikaplus, you connect even more with nature.

This connection does not end with brightness, however. It continues in the interior, which mostly consists of wood as the leading material. The steep roof and thick layer of insulation keep the winters, which are still quite cold in this part of the world, out. Perhaps the time has come when we will live in the open instead of in high-rise buildings?

Picture gallery: Slovenian mountain house of architects Studio Pikaplus

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