
The Slovenian Wine Festival and the Culinary Festival go well together

The Slovenian Wine Festival, which will be celebrating its sixteenth anniversary this year, is being joined by the Culinary Festival for the fifth time. Because both go well together.

Important information
Union Grand Hotel
Facebook event
Entrance fee

An event for everyone for gourmets and lovers of a good drop attracts many visitors every year. The Slovenian Wine Festival is one of the most prestigious wine events in Slovenia. This year, a little less than a hundred winemakers will present themselves, and once again we can witness interesting workshops.

Slovenian Wine Festival and Culinary Festival. (photo: Aleš Fevžar)
Slovenian Wine Festival and Culinary Festival. (photo: Aleš Fevžer)

Along with this event, there will also be a Culinary Festival, which in recent years has been thematically oriented, and a very special experience is "live cooking", which will also bring interesting events this year.

Photo author: Aleš Fevžer, for the Slovenian Wine Festival

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