
Ribrand - Slovenian wooden products: a blend of tradition and modern design

Ribrand - wooden products for the home

Ribrand is a Slovenian brand of sustainable wooden products, the result of cooperation between the design studio Mashoni and the Ribnica Handicraft Center. It is an inspiring interweaving of tradition and modern design, where the designers were inspired by the Ribniška dolina, known for its rich heritage in the production of home-made dry goods.

Rebrand is a brand with a story. This was started at the initiative of designer Janez Mesarič, who teaches industrial design at the Ribnica Handicraft Center. Janez Mesarič is an established Slovenian industrial designer whose ancestors originate from Ribnice. He grew up surrounded by the culture of making dry goods, in which he had long seen the potential to create a more modern series of wooden products. The comprehensive realization of the project was made possible by his design studio Mashona, who joined forces with Handicraft center.

The name Ribrand is a coinage of the words Ribnica and "brand", translated as a brand. It's pronounced like "rebrand", which means revamping something that already exists. This is exactly what the design studio Mashoni wanted to achieve: to refine the fishing heritage of making wooden products with a new, modern approach. They breathed new life into a tradition that is considered "old" and transformed it into a completely new story.

Ribrand is synonymous with imaginative, unconventional and useful wooden products. Products with soul that are simple and alluring and consistently crafted. Since wood is a living material, it likes to take its own path. This is precisely why Ribrand products will become special and unique over time, or only ours.

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