
A smaller house for a bigger life

The Tiny Project is a small project with a big idea. The idea of a sustainable house, which in its small size offers a simpler, carefree and more conscious life.

American web designer, Alek Lisefski, created a charming residence on wheels with the aim of a better quality of life in the natural environment and connection with the local community. He and his girlfriend Anjali brought the house from Iowa to its current location in California Sebastopol. As Lisefski explains, the central vision of the project is to live in such a small space that it "forces" a person into a simpler, more orderly and more efficient way of life.

Their tiny home follows modern, passive solar design principles, with 10 windows and glass doors that take full advantage of natural light and solar energy. Due to limited space, all elements are fully efficient. The electrical and plumbing installation is also very simple, requiring only a local connection to the source. In the future, Lisefski plans to incorporate further sustainable solutions, such as solar cells and a rainwater collector, which will make the house completely self-sufficient.

The Tiny Project is thus a step towards a happier way of life, without excessive consumerism and superfluous materialism, with a sincere connection with fellow human beings and nature.

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