
Altruis smart jewelry – for a healthier relationship with technology

London-based design and technology company Vinaya has invented Alltruis smart jewelry that helps tech users find balance. The piece of smart jewelry works by letting smartphone and tablet users disconnect from these devices for a while, while still reminding them with a vibration or sound when they get an emergency call. Jewelry can be attached to a ring, chain or bracelet.

Altruis smart jewelry, which to users of technology helps find balance, is exactly what people in the modern world, when we look more at screens than at our fellow humans, need. Altruis jewelry that invented it the London-based company Vinaya, is a beautifully designed piece that resembles a precious stone, but has technological properties. They are built into it Bluetooth and speaker – Altruis so in case of an important call, it vibrates and answers. In this way, the user is free from constant looking on the phone between other tasks, but at the same time still in the moment intercepts time-sensitive and important messages.

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The product is designed for people whose nature of work is closely related to constant communication and because of this, they cannot afford to completely disconnect from their mobile phones. The Vinaya company is aware that the long-term constant focus is on the technological device harmful to the psychological and social components of an individual's life, which is why Altruis jewelry wants to help in the search the balance between connectedness and disconnectedness.

With the help of Altruis, the paradigm of Huxley's nightmare, which he describes in The Beautiful New World, turns: instead of distracting people even more from their essence, this new technology brings them closer to it and them make it more human. You can see more about Altruis smart jewelry at the video below.

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