
Smart Mirror: a smart mirror for more productive mornings

Smart Mirror

Many devices and products nowadays have the adjective "smart", but we do not find a bathroom mirror among them. That may soon change, as Google software engineer Max Braun has taken matters into his own hands and created the Smart Mirror, a smart bathroom mirror that's actually a screen mirror, capable of displaying information such as the time, weather and news headlines, all while you shave.

Smart Mirror it is smart mirror, developed by a Google engineer Max Braun. To make it, he used a semi-transparent mirror (the kind they have in interrogation rooms, well, at least that's how it is in American movies), which, in addition to the mirror image, is at the expense of a thin screen between the mirrors and technologies such as software Android, able to display time, date, weather and news headlines. All this while brushing your teeth, shaving or doing your hair.

READ MORE: What does a child see in the mirror and what does an adult see? Get ready for a shock!

The Smart Mirror is the mirror of the near future.
The Smart Mirror is the mirror of the near future.

The smart mirror for the bathroom Smart Mirror is currently in the testing and improvement phase, so it does not yet have the status of a production model, but it is only a matter of time before smart bathroom mirrors appear on the market.

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