
Smart Phones Dumb Users: Annoying Habits of Smart Phone Users

If we use a smartphone, then there's a good chance we fall into one of the categories of annoying habits or user stereotypes in the Smart Phones Dumb Users animated chart compiled by Mobiles.co.uk.

Smart Phones Dumb Users includes well-known signs that are encountered daily by smartphone and social network users. Everything from "Dinner Snappers" – those who photograph dinners and food, up to "Textwalkers" – those who text while walking down the road and forget about everything that is happening beyond the screen, we can safely say that these are not the kind of smartphone users to emulate.
What kind of "stupid" user are we? Perhaps the apostle of Apple, who believes in Apple and in the fact that Steve Jobs also invented cute puppies? We might be “Selfie-Centered” and every place is an opportunity for a new selfie? Are we among the staunch enemies of Apple? Are we the king of the Internet with more than a thousand virtual friends, but meanwhile we live at home and sleep with a teddy bear? We don't know any abbreviations lol, roflmao and brb? Are we playing all kinds of games? Don't we know that instead of one long and hard to read message, we can send several shorter ones? Or are we one of those who spend time with friends on Facebook and YouTube?
These are stereotypes of today's users, which you can find here.

READ MORE: The most unfortunate selfies of 2014

In the gallery, see thumbnails with annotations about the annoying habits of smartphone users.

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