
Pebble Time smartwatch promises 7 days of autonomy #Kickstarter

You only need to charge your Pebble Watch once a week.

The Pebble Time smartwatch promises an incredible 7 days of battery life, beating competitors like the Apple Watch, LG Watch Urbane,... by days! Unlike most smart watches, it does not use a touch screen, but e-paper, i.e. a screen with the contrast of paper, which consumes very little energy. Although it has barely started its Kickstarter campaign, it already exceeded the goal of 500 thousand dollars in 20 minutes, and after an hour the number jumped to two million.

Smart watch Pebble Time it promises 7 days of autonomy, and after the response on Kickstarter, it's more than obvious what people are putting at the top of their list when it comes to smartwatches. Battery life. And the 38-gram Pebble Time more than gives them that. Decorate her 1.26 inch color screen (resolution 144 x 168 pixels) from e-paper, which means that it relies on the technology of e-readers and not competing smart watches, which mostly rely on LCD and OLED screens.

The timing of the release of the Pebble Time smartwatch coinciding with the arrival of the Apple Watch is no coincidence. Is there enough room for both?
The timing of the release of the Pebble Time smartwatch coinciding with the arrival of the Apple Watch is no coincidence. Is there enough room for both?

The watch is waterproof, flexible and compatible with 6,500 existing applications created for the original Pebble smartwatch (also a Kickstarter hit), though it has a full new interface. And since the screen is not sensitive to touch, it is managed via it three buttons on the side or with the help of voice commands, as it has a built-in microphone. It is also suitable for sporty souls, because he has also chosen a place in it accelerometer, which carefully records physical activity.

READ MORE: LG with the LG Watch Urbane smartwatch over the Apple Watch

For all fans of statistics, let us say that z millions of dollars, collected in half an hour, Pebble Time boldly demolished the previous one a record, which was owned by the campaign The Veronica Mars Movie Project, which managed to break the million mark in five hours. It is compatible with smartphones Android and iOS (via link Bluetooth 4.0), which, in addition to e-paper, is another important thing that separates it from the competition, which either belongs to one camp or the other. E-paper, however, ensures that the content is easy legible and always visible, but at the same time, this very technology is the "culprit" for autonomy and thinness (the watch is 20% thinner from the original). Pebblovci na would also publish 3D data about the watch, so that everyone can design their own strap, case, etc.

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