
SmartDuvet Breeze: a blanket that cools or warms

SmartDuvet Breeze

You are hot, your partner is cold. A classic. While one throws the blanket off himself, the other frantically covers himself. SmartDuvet, which debuted on Kickstarter with a self-cleaning bed, is now here with another masterpiece: the SmartDuvet Breeze bed, which cleans itself while also adjusting the temperature according to our preferences and those of our partner.

SmartDuvet Breeze is quite similar to its predecessor. A case of self-inflating blanket, which you insert into the duvet cover. Then plug it in to the control system, which you can hide under the bed.

The bed makes itself.
The bed makes itself.

Over app you can control the temperature on each side of the blanket. Namely, the system will blow on the desired side of the blanket warm or cold air and thus warmed or cooled the blanket.


You can do the SmartDuvet Breeze via the app.
You can control the SmartDuvet Breeze via the app.

At SmartDuvet, they say it's a blanket comfortable, but at the same time reduces sweating and prevents parasitic bed bugs.
Funds are currently being collected for the blanket on a crowdfunding portal Indiegogo. They already exceeded the goal by 1000 percent.

Gallery – SmartDuvet Breeze

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More information:
smartduvet.com and indiegogo.com

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