
The Jolla C smartphone – the spirit of Nokia lives on

The Jolla C smartphone

When we think of Finland, we immediately think of Nokia and it's hard to imagine any other mobile phone brand from there. One such is Jolla, which in 2013 introduced its first smartphone with the fresh Sailfish OS operating system. Well, there is actually a lot of Nokia in Jolla, at least know-how, since it was founded in 2011 by its former employees. The Jolla C smartphone is their second smartphone, but unfortunately it will only be available to a select few at first.

After she had to Jolla bury your project with a tablet at the beginning of this year Jolla Table, for which she successfully raised funds on a crowdfunding platform Indiegogo, but after the withdrawal of one of the main financial backers, they were forced to withdraw it from the "agenda", Jolla shows that it is still kicking and not going down the road Nokia.

The Jolla C smartphone is still hot.
The Jolla C smartphone is still hot.

Jola C it's basically a survival battle, oxygen to the lungs of the operating system Sailfish OS, which Jolla didn't give up on like a tablet and tried to ensure its survival in the merciless world of mobile operating systems, which has already buried countless OSes.

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It is a limited series of smartphones, as it will only be distributed by Jolla thousand copies of the Jolla C model, and that only among the selected - among the members of the developer community of the Sailfish OS operating system. And what will they get in the palm of their hand? Smartphone with a 5-inch screen 720p resolution, 4-core processor Snapdragon 212 (1.3 GHz), 2 GB of system memory, built-in memory s 16 GB space (if desired, it can be expanded with a microSD memory card), camera resolution 8 million pixels and a two-megapixel camera and battery capacity 2500 mAh. We must not forget the operating system either Sailfish 2.0 and connection 4G/LTE.

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