
Snapchat with new filters that recognize what's in your photo

The Snapchat application has established itself as one of those that we use every day. It is particularly unique because of its filters that allow us to transform into a completely different person. But the creators of Snapchat went one step further.

A function has been added to the application that recognizes what is in our photo, and arranged for her accordingly special filters. Snapchat recognizes animals, types of food, sports activities and various events. It is already known that in the past we could add filters to a photo that indicate time, temperature, speed and location, or change its brightness. From now on, they will also appear among these options described filters.

Snapchat recognizes animals, types of food…
Snapchat recognizes animals, types of food…

The ability to identify the content of photos with filters could have an impact on corporate advertising in the future. Brands will be able to target consumers depending on what kind of photos they post. They are currently focusing on people's location and interests.

The ability to identify the content of photos with filters could lend itself to advertising for the company in the future.
The ability to identify the content of photos with filters could have an impact on corporate advertising in the future.

Object recognition has already become commonplace in photo-sharing applications. This is not the case when we talk about decorating with various stickers. It recently introduced a similar option to Snapchat to its users Microsoft's Skype.


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