
The Snow Queen (from 6 years old, 45′)

The fairy tale of Hans Christian Andersen, who wanted to be an actor, novelist and playwright, but became one of the most popular authors of children's fairy tales, is a story about two friends, a story about finding a lost half, about forgiveness, redemption, love and ...

Important information
Šentjakobski oder LGL, Ljubljana
Facebook event
Entrance fee
4,5 €

Pravljica Hansa Christiana Andersena, ki je hotel biti igralec, romanopisec in dramatik, postal pa je eden izmed najbolj priljubljenih avtorjev otroških pravljic, je zgodba o dveh prijateljih, zgodba o iskanju izgubljene polovice, o odpuščanju, odrešitvi, ljubezni in odraščanju.

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