
A snowstorm in New York through the lens of Slovenian photographer Jake Vinško

Snowstorm in New York

When true panic reigned in New York at the end of January due to the forecast of snowstorm Juno, Slovenian photographer Jaka Vinšek walked all night through the snowy metropolis. While people preferred to stay warm, he captured magical moments of peace, which are otherwise so rare for the loud streets of the city that never sleeps.

If in Slovenia we are already thinking about spring, across the pond they are still fighting the cold winter. The announcement was made on January 26 blizzard Juno even so fast that a state of emergency reigned in New York, and the mayor banned traffic for all but emergency vehicles.

While most New Yorkers expected the worst, it happened Slovenian photographer Jaka Vinšek, who has been living and creating in Brooklyn for more than five years, went hunting for good photos at night. It's on the snowy streets of New York walked for more than seven hours and passed the good ones sixteen kilometers, and the result is a bunch of magical photos that show the most vibrant city in the world in a completely different light. Apart from the occasional footsteps in the snow and rare municipal workers, the photos of Jake Vinšek make us think for a change that New York is also a city that sometimes falls asleep.

READ MORE: A Slovenian storm chaser won the National Geographic Traveler magazine's first prize with a photo of a diabolical cloud

And even though the forecasts of a big snowstorm were exaggerated, just like here, in New York, Vinšek captured in his lens that side of the city that most of us thought did not exist at all.

View photos of the snowy streets of New York at night in our photo gallery.

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