
Thus, in an imaginative way, enterprising individuals are profiting from the Pokemon GO craze

Individuals have also taken advantage of the Pokemon Go craze.

The mobile game Pokemon GO has become a worldwide phenomenon. It seems like the whole world is hunting Pokemon with their smartphones these days. The app is incredibly popular and Nintendo has a hand in it. But he is not the only one. The Pokemon GO wave of popularity has also been ridden by many other companies that have smelled an opportunity to make money, and there are also many enterprising individuals riding the Pokemon GO wave who are cashing in on the Pokemon GO craze in a very imaginative way.

A mobile game Pokemon Go has not only been the topic of conversation for the past two weeks, but seems to have started it dictate our lives, because for the first time we humans really felt what it meant mixing the real and the digital.

READ MORE: The mobile game Pokemon GO is now also available in Slovenia!

Coffee for on the go, sorry, for Pokemon hunting.
Coffee for on the go, sorry, for Pokemon hunting.

And while you are Nintendo with Pokemon GO my hands and many other companies will soon start using them as well (in less than a fortnight, many "indispensable" companies appeared on the market dedicated Pokemon GO accessories, and advertisers are also making their way into it), well individuals do not sit idly by either, as they recognized the Pokemon GO craze opportunity for additional income. You can see how they extort money from Pokemon trainers below.

This is how enterprising individuals capitalize on the Pokemon GO craze in an imaginative way:

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