
So many drivers forget where they parked their car! Does it ever happen to you?

Photo: Envato

It has happened to everyone that they forgot where they parked their car. We park in large parking lots or parking garages, where we quickly forget where we left the car.

They exist reasons, which can cause problems when looking for your own car:

  • when you parked the car, you were sleepy, tired and distracted
  • leave the car in an unfamiliar environment
  • drive another car
  • you parked at the airport days or even weeks ago


In a recent survey by an automotive company Too bad, which was conducted in Great Britain, as many as 52 percent of respondents answered that they forget where they parked their vehicle at least once a year. A quarter of drivers admitted that it happens to them at least twice a year, and 14 percent of drivers lose it more than three times.

And who are the ones who most often forget where they parked their vehicle? These are drivers between the ages of 18 and 25. The most problems when finding a car are in shopping centers, larger public parking lots and city centers. Men spend an average of six and a half minutes looking for their vehicle, and women five and a half minutes.

How to avoid the "lost vehicle" problem?

To find your vehicle it won't be torture, we have prepared some tips for you that will help you park your car safely.

  1. If you are in an unfamiliar city, always park your car near a recognizable landmark.
  2. If possible, park away from a crowd of opaque cars, as this makes it easier to see.
  3. It is a good idea to remember your registration number.
  4. When you are in the parking garage, don't forget to take the slip that shows which floor you parked on.
  5. You can also use various smartphone applications that tell you where your vehicle is located.


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