
This is how you end a relationship without (ob)grieving...

This is how you end a relationship without (ob)grieving...

Even when the decision to end a relationship is ours, it can quite rightly break our hearts. However, there is an important difference between mourning and regret – while the former is difficult to avoid, the latter can be protected to a certain extent by taking appropriate steps. Do you know that this is how you can end a relationship without (ob)grieving?

Grief after breaking up with a loved one it is difficult to avoid, but you can at least use some measures that you will save doubts about the correctness of your decision.

This is how you end a relationship without (ob)grieving...

Be sure that you have done enough.

Regret often comes when we start to wonder if maybe we should have tried harder. Would it be different if you tried therapy before breaking up? Could a break save a relationship? Or a long vacation? It is precisely for this reason that you must not make the decision to end the relationship suddenly and impulsively. Before making (or making) this decision, give yourself time to think and talk and try to find an alternative.

Be aware of the reasons that led to the breakup.

Before ending the relationship, be clear about why you decided to do this. Is it really about the expectations of your surroundings or family? Perhaps for fear of attachment? In such cases, you may be surprised by the regret you want to avoid. A good way to clarify with yourself the reasons for ending the relationship is to write them down.

Pain is inevitable, but you can prevent regret.
Pain is inevitable, but you can prevent regret.

It does not disappear suddenly and completely from the life of a loving person.

Suddenly ignoring a person who has been an important part of your life for a long (or a short) time is painful for that person, and for you it poses a threat to your psychological health and ability to connect with others in the future. After the breakup, of course, it is necessary to establish a certain distance, a period when you break or reduce contact, give each other space so that you can console yourself and get over it. However, this does not mean that they have to cut themselves off from their lives completely and forever. Although it is certainly easier and less painful to pretend that the person was not important and that you can easily cut them out of your life in the first months, you may regret this behavior in the long run.

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