Miho Erman's performance with Primož Bezjak and Boro Pungerčič deals in an experimental way with the search for possible interpretations of experiences and situations. The basis of the search is provided by the "deaf room" - a structure that excludes everything external, so that only the unsocial, naked body remains inside. A dance performance of a state that, as a rule...
Performans Miha Ermana s Primožem Bezjakom in Borom Pungerčičem se na eksperimentalen način ukvarja z iskanjem mogočih interpretacij izkušenj in stanj. Osnovo iskanja ponuja ”gluha soba” − struktura, ki izvzame vse zunanje, tako da ostaja znotraj le nesocialno, golo telo. Plesni performans stanja, ki praviloma nastaja v ”gluhi sobi” – strah, panika in negotovost – reinterpretira, s čimer poišče možne pobege pred temi stanji.