
Indoor plants need extra care in autumn: Discover the key tricks!

Photo: envato

As the days get shorter and the temperature drops, your indoor plants also need special attention. Autumn is a turning point when summer gives way to cooler days and less light, which directly affects the growth and health of your green pets. Although houseplants seem to be protected from the weather in the comfort of indoor spaces, changes in temperature, humidity and light can cause serious problems if we do not take care of them in time.

By properly adjusting the watering method, proper lighting and a few additional tricks, plants can be prepared for winter without losing their vitality. From natural fertilizers to humidity control and frost protection, there are a few simple steps you can take to ensure your plants survive the cold months.

Autumn indoor plant care routine

Proper watering and air humidity

Air humidity drops drastically with the start of the heating season. Indoor plants, especially those from tropical climates, suffer from dry air. An excellent solution is air humidifiers or a simple container with water on the radiator. It is also recommended to use settled water at room temperature, as cold water can shock the roots.

Photo: envato

Natural fertilizers

For better plant nutrition, you can use home-made natural fertilizers. One of the more interesting options is tea - plants love the tannins found in tea leaves. Also, the water in which you cooked the eggs is rich in minerals that have a beneficial effect on the growth and health of indoor plants.

Dust on the leaves

During the summer, a layer of dust can accumulate on the leaves, preventing the correct reception of light. Regular cleaning with a damp cloth enables better photosynthesis and stimulates growth. It is especially important to pay attention to the cleanliness of the larger leaves of plants such as monstera or ficus.

Photo: envato

Light - the key to survival

As the days get shorter, there will be less natural light, so don't move the plants too much, as they are sensitive to environmental changes. The optimal location is one with enough light, but without drafts. A simple trick: place your hand about 30 cm above the plant and observe the shadow. If the shade is too weak, the plant lacks light.

Protection against temperature changes

Indoor plants are sensitive to sudden temperature changes. Make sure they are not placed near cold floors, concrete or tiles, as this can catch them cold. Use a wooden or terry cloth substrate to protect the root system from the cold.

With a few simple tricks, you can prepare your houseplants for the colder days and ensure that they survive the winter in great shape. They may not bloom in winter, but with proper care they will certainly be ready for spring when they start growing again in all their glory.

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