
Social experiment: fake book covers with bizarre titles

Weird book titles

Humans have strange fetishes, but we usually carefully hide them between the four walls. But not comedian Scott Rogowsky, who embarked on a social experiment on the subway. He furnished the books with fake covers with bizarre titles such as How to Hold a Fart and Mein Kampf (My Struggle) for children, which clearly raised eyebrows and provoked laughter among people. You simply have to see the reactions of these people!

Many people do not dare to admit what kind types of books are reading (yes, we're looking at you men who claim not to read Fifty Shades of Grey!) so as not to appear weird or bland. But no one pretends to read weird books, to make him look depraved. Well, no one except by comedian Scott Rogowsky.

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How would you look at a person if you saw him holding this in his hands?
How would you look at a person if you saw him holding this in his hands?

Not only did Scott Rogowsky do it on the New York subway, on one of the busiest lines, he proudly held such books in his hands for everyone to see and pretended to be deeply moved. You just have to see these people's reactions! How would you react?, if you saw someone reading a book called 1000 Places to See Before ISIS Gets "Trumped" or 101 Ways to Extend Your Penis at Home, in the Office, or on the Go?

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