
Social media versus reality - is your life one big lie too?

Social networks versus reality

If you're a regular on Instagram or Facebook, you all know that uncomfortable feeling when you feel like your life is empty and that everyone else has something better and fuller than you. The truth is, of course, far from that. We are all guilty of hiding behind the mask of social media in search of self-affirmation, and are willing to hide the truth in the process. Is your life also one big lie? This clip will open your eyes!

We put people addicted to social networks. Our lunch ends up on them sooner than in our mouths. With photos and statuses, we seek attention and so much we long for likes, that we are also ready to lie for them. Apparently it's about innocent lies, let's drop a small but important detail here and there.

Are you also guilty of misleading your friends/followers?
Are you also guilty of misleading your friends/followers?

In fact with this we are doing a lot of damage, because when you check Facebook or Instagram like this, you quickly feel like you're the only one in this world who doesn't have a perfect life.

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Everything We (too) quickly fall for everything we see, but we forget how quickly and easily it can be created potemkin's village. And that's exactly what the clip we've attached is about. Are you also in favor self-affirmation willing to go so far as to hide the truth? Hasn't it all gone a bit too far?

Gallery - Social Networks vs. Reality:

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