
Thoughts of Socrates: The Wisdom of Modesty for a Happy Life

Photo: envato

Socrates is considered one of the most important philosophers. He was the man who first took philosophy to the streets, among the people and for the people.

He was neither handsome nor wealthy, he was not of noble birth and he did not have a good education, but even today his name is the first association of wisdom.

Socrates' wisdom is often called the wisdom of modesty, and the first recorded wisdom makes clear why this is so.

1. I know that I know nothing

I am the wisest man because I know that I know nothing. To know is to know that you know nothing. This is true knowledge. I know I'm intelligent because I know I know nothing. We will know true wisdom when we realize how little we understand life, each other and the world around us.

2. Be the way you want others to see you

The shortest and safest way to an honorable life is to be what we really want to be; and if we observe, we shall find that all human values are strengthened by exercise.

3. Nothing will change until you change yourself

Let the one who wants to change the world change himself first. Remember that nothing is stable in human relationships; so avoid unnecessary excitement when everything is wonderful and undue sadness when problems arise.

4. Money is not a virtue, but from virtues comes money and everything else that is good in a person

I'm not doing anything, I'm just encouraging you, young and old, don't run after material goods - rather take care of your soul. I tell you, money is not a virtue, but from virtues comes money and all other good in man, be it public or private. This is my teaching, and if it corrupts the youth, then consider me rude.

Socrates Photo: Pixabay

5. Invest time in self-improvement

Invest time in your own improvement with the help of other people's stories. Learn with ease what someone has studied hard and diligently. Learn from his experiences.

6. Those who realize they have enough are truly rich

The richest man is he who is satisfied with little things, for contentment is the wealth of nature. Contentment is natural wealth, luxury is artificial poverty.

7. One should eat to live, not live to eat

Worthless men live only to eat and drink; those who eat and drink in order to live.

8. First of all, it is necessary to appreciate a good life and not life itself

An unexplored life is not worth living. It is not only important to live, but also to live well. And to live beautifully together with all the pleasures that life has to offer is to live according to one's own principles.

9. Everything changes, nothing ever stays the same

If you don't get what you want, then you suffer. If you get what you don't want, you suffer. Even when you get exactly what you want, you still suffer because you can't keep what you got forever. The mind is a real nuisance. He wishes he would never change. To be freed from pain, obligation, death. But there are changes and you can't pretend they aren't there because they will catch up with you throughout life.

10. Being busy is not enough, what counts is what you are busy with

Beware of the barrenness of a busy life.

11. Don't limit yourself to certain parts of the world, explore them all

I am not only a resident of Athens, nor a Greek, I am a citizen of the world.

12. Don't let others think for you

To find yourself, think for yourself.

13. Don't rush into friendships

Descent into friendships slowly, when you do descend into a friendship, proceed boldly and steadily.

Thoughts that touch you. Photo: Toni Ferreira / Unsplash

14. Keep your words true

Lying words are not only evil in themselves, they poison your soul.

15. Don't take revenge, you will get hurt

Do not take revenge on the one who hurt you, because it is not good to do bad things. It is not right to take revenge or harm anyone, no matter how badly they hurt you.

16. All human souls are immortal

All human souls are immortal, but the souls of honest men are immortal and divine.

17. Never stop wondering

Questioning is the beginning of wisdom.

18. If you want to become a good rider, then ride the worst horse

The easiest and noblest way is not to hinder others, but to improve yourself. No one has the right to be an amateur when it comes to physical strength. It's a shame to grow old without ever realizing the strength and beauty of your body. If you want to be a good rider, ride the worst horse; because if you tame him, you will tame others. In each of us, even the good ones, there is a wild nature that creeps up while we sleep.

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