
A soft bag that grows with the child

The Baby Beanbag is a soft and comfortable bag that is suitable for both newborns and ten-year-old children.

Basic information
Baby Beanbag
The price

If you wanted Baby Beanbag "bean bag" might be the right term for business. It is soft and comfortable bag, which is intended for a newborn, with whom he grows and socializes until he is ten years old - or until the time when the child reaches thirty kilograms.

It is the brainchild of an Australian company Baby Beanbags, founded by a health worker Rachel Brown in search of useful, innovative and practical solutions that bring advantages to both parents and children. Not only do bean bags look incredibly cool and stylish, they're also very stylish functional they are. At least that's what moms whose babies have already tried them say.

The Baby Beanbag is a comfortable and safe alternative to rocking chairs - the child can also be strapped into it, but it is significantly softer and fits the child's position. Among the advantages, they mention theirs quality and longevity, sitting on this bag alleviates reflux problems, the bag grows with the child, it is easy to fold and carry around, it is suitable for outdoor and indoor use.

They made a row for the Baby Beanbag coating, so it can visually blend in with any environment – from a disco cover for super lively toddlers to subdued earth tones for minimalist homes.

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