
Solos Smart: smart cycling glasses modeled after Google Glass

Smart glasses for cyclists Solos Smart

Solos Smart are smart cycling glasses modeled after Google Glass, which completely replace the need to use a bicycle meter. Currently, they are only used by members of the US Olympic cycling team, but soon we will also be able to wear these glasses for recreational users, as the project has found its way onto the Kickstarter crowdfunding platform.

Solos Smart they are smart cycling glasses, made especially for cyclists. Although they are currently reserved for professional American cyclists preparing for the Rio Olympics, we will soon be able to enjoy this sporting technological treat for ourselves, as the sports glasses figured it out on Kickstarter. If the campaign is successful, you will receive them at home in October 2016.

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Smart cycling glasses Solos Smart work according to the principle of glasses Google Glass, as they use an optical display that projects an image into the user's field of vision. Among other things, he stocks it with driving speed, heart rate, altitude, watts, cadence and distance traveled. It can also send data to a smartphone, where it can be accessed through a dedicated application, and it can also be synchronized with applications a la Strava and TrainingPeak. The glasses are expectedly not cheap; hefty deductions must be made for them 450 euros. But if you want to be like the pros, that's the price you have to pay.

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