
Someone has calculated exactly how much air is in bags of chips

You open a bag of chips. You are impatiently waiting for the crispy fries in your mouth. You reach deep into the sack and sweet anticipation turns to displeasure as you realize you've gotten more air than potatoes. Which chips contain the most of it?

It's no secret that it is bag of chips also filled with air, but the question is, what is that quantity and which brand brings you the most 'around'. Well, Ross Hudgens, founder of a content marketing company Siege Media, he found answer to questions.

Using the water displacement method, Ross calculated, how much air is in a bag of chips, and he presented his precise findings to Kitchen Cabinet Kings. People online are shocked and grateful for this interesting and relevant information. You too will be surprised to see how much air is in it Pringles, to Lay's, Doritos

Take a look at the image gallery which brands offer the most air for your money.

Image Gallery - Chips

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