
Sometimes we have to let go of what we love so we can fly higher (personal confession)

Photo: envato

She left. Never ask if she loved you. Because you are. But she knew that if she stayed with you, she would never be able to grow her own wings. And eventually she would come to hate you if you stayed.

She didn't leave because she didn't adore you. She didn't leave because he wouldn't mean anything to her. It wasn't that I didn't see a future with you.

She left because she needed freedom. Freedom from your love. Freedom from bonds. Freedom from the ropes that bound her. She just had to run away. Breathe.

She had to run away from the life she knew. She had to run away from the people she knew. She had to run away from you. Not because she had to, but because she wanted to.

She didn't do it out of hatred or malice. She didn't do it out of selfishness. She did it because she wanted to live the best life, as you can. And she couldn't do that if she stayed.

She had to leave everything that was familiar to her. She had to step into the unknown. To meet new people, new experiences.

She left even though she loved you. You always will. Photo: Andisheh / Pexels

She doesn't think it wasn't hard for her. Don't think it wasn't painful. Because her heart was bleeding from the pain. It shattered into countless pieces as she saw everyone she loved waving goodbye. And especially when she had to walk away from you.

But even though it was hard for her to leave you, she knew it was the best decision she could make. For myself. Not for you. It's true - just for yourself.

She had to put herself first. Explore your dreams and achieve new goals. She had to surrender to the dance of life. She had to leave because she had to find herself.

With you, she was comfortable. She was satisfied. She was happy. But she needed much more than that. She needed new views, new challenges, new sunsets...

And so don't ask if she loved you. Because you are. But love alone is not enough, if we want to live a full life. Sometimes we have to let go of what we love so we can fly higher and evolve into newer and better versions of ourselves. This requires courage, but also confidence in yourself and your dreams.

Sometimes we have to go through pain to ultimately find our place in the world. And even though it's hard, we have to trust that everything will work out as it should.

Move on to your dreams, who knows, maybe you two will meet again someday.

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