
Song Maker: Music maker in the Google browser

Test your creative streak.

From now on, you will also be able to test yourself in the musical waters. Google has pleased its users with the new Song Maker function, which is designed to create music in the browser.

Song Maker is an easy way to making music while surfing the web. Although it can't compare to professional music production programs, it allows users to brighten up their day.

You can start creating your own melody right now. This is possible here. After you finish your work, we recommend that you share your masterpiece with your friends and consider their reviews.

Director of the Google Creative Lab Alexander Chen shared some of the tunes he created with Song Maker with the public. This will give you an idea of what the program is capable of.

Don't expect to be the hottest 'edge' in the music industry market right away. But it is Song Maker a great choice to chase away boredom.

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