
Sony Smart Tennis sensor: a personal trainer for all tennis enthusiasts

The devil is in the details. This also applies to the top sport, because the hair needs to be split for perfection. Tennis is one of those sports that looks fairly simple on the outside, but when we're looking for quality, we shouldn't leave anything to chance. And it takes mileage and expert guidance to fully master the stroke. But not all of us have the luxury of being able to afford a coach, but we can afford Sony's Smart Tennis sensor, which will kill two birds with one stone.

Sony's Smart Tennis Sensor it's a mini 'thermostat', a cap on the end of a tennis shoe handle (fits rackets Wilson, Prince and Yonex), which brings yours to life a racket or turns it into an interactive object because smartphone stock with stroke and ball data. It is an ideal training supplement for all those who want to become the successors of Roger Federer and those who want to beat their friend once and not be the one who always has to pay for the drink at the end. The sensor measures impact speed and balls, hers rotation, shows where it touched the surface of the racket and for what type of impact it worked. Data and video are simultaneously recorded and viewed via applications on a smartphone (it will be available for iOS and Android).

No more 'head-scratching' why your game is so bad, and especially no more racket-smashing. Now you can take your game to the next level without a coach.
No more 'head-scratching' why your game is so bad, and especially no more racket-smashing. Now you can take your game to the next level without a coach.

Yes, you heard right, too video analysis it is in his domain. The Smart Tennis Sensor does not only offer data simulations or recaps as it plays a game of 'pairs' so that in addition to the abstract information (listed above) you can also get impact analysis in the form of a video clip. Cocktail from technical data and videos will allow you to skip quite a few steps on the way to success. If your string often 'breaks' because the balls go elsewhere than you wanted, or if your string breaks due to a wrong shot string, then Smart Tennis Sensor is the right medicine for you - Persen for your game.

The quality of the shot will still depend only on you, so finding and fixing mistakes will be much easier from now on.
The quality of the shot will still depend only on you, so finding and fixing mistakes will be much easier from now on.

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Everyone data is stored according to the type of impact and because the app also analyzes your entire game, not just your stroke, you can systematically monitor your progress over time. Well, sometimes it happens that you forget your phone at home. If that's a big deal for you hit, this is definitely not the case for the Smart Tennis Sensor. All you have to do is activate it before the game (as always), the capacity of his of 'internal' memory, which can memorize up to 12 thousand swings, and she will make sure that no punch gets away from her. Once they are back together, connect the sensor to your smartphone, transfer the data to the app and voilà, "game, set, match".

What was hidden behind the blow was unknown until now. From now on, you will also be able to know whether you are serving as hard as Goran Ivanišević.
What was hidden behind the blow was unknown until now. From now on, you will also be able to know whether you are serving as hard as Goran Ivanišević.

Another 'match point' (final ball) of the article. In memory mode (Memory Mode) the sensor will last much longer than with 'live streaming' (Live Mode), because it will not use energy to send data to the phone. We can expect it at the beginning of the year 2015, and its price should be around 150 euros.

Info Box

More information: smarttennissensor.sony.net

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