
I'm sorry! – What meaning does this word have for each astrological sign

Photo: Sharon McCutcheon/Unsplash

Behind each astrological sign's apology is a different message - find out! Geminis do not admit mistakes. Sagittarius, however, is not entirely honest. An apology given to you by a person from a particular astrological sign has a different meaning and weight. What is hidden behind these words, you can find out below.

Sometimes it is very easy to offend other people, and then you think of ways to apologize to them and solve this unpleasant situation. A sincere apology is the best way to improve your relationship with the person you offended.

But when it comes to apologizing, your astrological sign plays a big role in how you do it

Let's see what lies behind the apology of each astrological sign:

1. Aries

First impressions of people born under this sign can be wrong. Some people think that their confidence and assertive demeanor means they don't care when they hurt other people, but that's not true. They are very honest, which means they are not afraid to apologize for what they have done.

2. Taurus

People born under this sign find it difficult to apologize. The reason for this is their stubborn attitude and nature. They will never admit their mistake until every claim is corroborated by eyewitnesses and evidence. However, sometimes they will realize that they have crossed all the lines. But when they apologize, they do it in the most honest way.


3. Twins

Usually, people born under this sign are not aware of the fact that they have done something worth apologizing for. They will act like they did nothing wrong unless you ask them to apologize. It is impossible to get them to admit their mistakes. Although they will not admit their mistakes, it is possible that they will never repeat them again.

4. Cancer

People born under this sign are highly emotional and intuitive, which means they usually know when they've done something wrong, so prepare to apologize right before you realize what happened. They always apologize sincerely. When they hurt someone, they suffer just like that person.

5. Leo

Leos are very indulgent and charming, and when they finally admit the mistakes they've made, they have the ability to make their prey feel more guilty than they do. They don't aim to hurt others, but they can be quite rude. But they will apologize when you tell them you're upset.


6. Virgo

Although Virgos are intelligent, they still have moments when they forget to be smart in difficult situations. Virgos will never intentionally hurt a person. Instead, they wander off into their own little world where they will unconsciously do or say the wrong thing. But when they apologize, their apology will be a hug from your heart.

7. Libra

Libras know how to create an argument. However, they don't like to do this and prefer to be quiet rather than provoke a fight. When they apologize, they usually compromise their principles to flatter others. But that doesn't make their apologies sound entirely sincere.

8. Scorpio

Scorpios think that there are no such things as mistakes and that everything depends on the fate of people. Because of this, they rarely regret what they have done. Their assumption is that they never do anything wrong, so they feel they never need to say they're sorry.


9. Sagittarius

Shooters are quick when it comes to mistakes. They do not have the desire and will to sincerely apologize. The good thing is that they are great when it comes to communication because they have the ability to apologize in different ways without actually apologizing specifically and sincerely.

10. Capricorn

Capricorns are stubborn and will have a hard time apologizing. That doesn't mean they aren't sorry, but they're just not born to apologize. In fact, they assume that if they apologize, things will be worse than they already are. When they apologize, they want it to never happen again.

11. Aquarius

Aquarius is also difficult when it comes to apologies. They won't apologize until they do something catastrophically wrong. In fact, they often think they are right about everything, which makes them arrogant when they talk about how smart they are. This will prevent them from apologizing because they think it will humiliate them.


12. Pisces

People born under this sign are very intuitive and are constantly in touch with themselves and are very emotional. They hate arguments. They rarely blame anyone for mistakes. If they hurt the feelings of others, they will sincerely apologize.

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