
Sound bulb?

Or vice versa, it doesn't matter. Although they are not an adequate replacement for home theater speakers, they are an excellent choice for connecting music between rooms. Literally. Instead of classic (recessed) ceiling lamps, Klipsch Lightspeaker speakers can be easily screwed into the lamp socket. With pleasant LED light (We think of the environment!) ...

Or vice versa, it doesn't matter. Although they are not an adequate replacement for home theater speakers, they are an excellent choice for connecting music between rooms. Literally. Instead of classic (recessed) ceiling lights, Klipsch speakers can easily be screwed into the lamp socket Lightspeaker. With a pleasant LED light (We think of the environment!), up to 8 speakers connected to the system will sway us to bouncy rhythms at a pleasant 20 W of power per unit. All units are connected by a 2.4 GHz wireless transmitter, which is easily controlled with the included remote control. The transmitter plays music and can be connected to a home computer, laptop, MP3 players, TV, HiFi systems, etc.

Price: about 500 euros, available at www.klipsch.com

Oregon 450

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