
Sound - wireless headphones that look like earplugs

Sound wireless headphones

Human has introduced the innovative Sound wireless headphones, an audio-communication device that mimics the shape of the ear. Touch-sensitive headphones allow you to answer and end calls, as well as control music and volume. The headphones are connected to the smartphone as soon as the magnetically connected parts are separated.

Sound they are innovative wireless headphones, which look like earmuffs on the outside, but the inside is like ear cast. They fully embrace the ear and thus ensure a perfect user experience.

Sound wireless headphones mimic the shape of the ear.
Sound wireless headphones mimic the shape of the ear.

Sound uses technology, sensitive to touch, which allows the user to through the surface of the handset handles phone calls and music and determines the volume of the sound. The battery provides them 12 hours of autonomy, and are available in four colors, namely white, light and dark gray and black.

When the headphones are paired, the music playback stops and the headphones stop switch to economy mode. After a few minutes in this position, thanks to the magnetic technology automatically turn off.


On a crowdfunding platform Indiegogo can headphones Sound (Human Incorporated) pre-order for 180 euros.

Innovative Sound wireless headphones:

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