
Špancirfest 2016 in Varaždin

Špancirfest in Varaždin

Špancirfest 2016 will be held in Varaždin in August. The main idea of the festival is for designers to join a cultural community, where they create, think and express themselves together in different ways - from dance to new ways of recycling. It is the largest festival of its kind in Croatia and attracts professional and self-taught artists from all over the world. It will take place from August 19 to 28. Tickets will be available soon.

Important information
Entrance fee
Free of charge

Spancirfest 2016 in Varaždin is the largest art festival in Croatia. During the 10-week program, visitors and artists will work together and create together. The concept of Špancirfest is that visitors are active in what is happening at the festival and not just passive observers. The festival consists of two parts. The main part covers concerts, street art (acrobats, street theater, street musicians), children's theater and creative workshops, and the side program consists of accompanying exhibitions, promotion of local art and various round tables.

READ MORE: Lollapalooza Berlin 2016

Acrobat at Špancirfest
Acrobat at Špancirfest

The previous Špancirfest held as many as 202 events, and this year we are also expecting a nice range of events. Špancirfest will take place in Varaždin from August 19 to 28, 2016. If you are professionally involved in any type of art, or if you are a complete layman and have always wanted to pick up a brush or learn the art of fire-breathing, Špancirfest is the right place for you. A more detailed program and tickets will be available soon.

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