
Running event: Špas'n'tek - a new running challenge in Slovenia

Spas'n'tek: A new running challenge in Slovenia

Špas'n'tek, a new running challenge in Slovenia, invites all beginners and experienced runners to run along a 6.5 km long course. The terrain is rough and therefore often a bit more strenuous, but it is in beautiful nature. The start begins at an altitude of 450 m, and the finish is at the top of a 35-meter ski jump. In the meantime, you will also have to climb the Murovica hill, which is 734 m high.

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Facebook event
Entrance fee
15 €

Spas'n'tek, a new running challenge in Slovenia, will be part of the weekend Thanks to you in Javoršici near Moravče organized for the first time. On August 27, new enthusiasts and old cats will be able to try their hand at a 6.5 km run, when they will have to overcome a height difference of 380 m. Although that may be the case rugged terrain quite a challenge for many, it also brings with it a nicer running environment, which certainly helps to raise motivation.

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The route will take place over rugged terrain
The route will take place over rugged terrain

After the game entertainment follows at the Špas na vas festival, where around 100 musicians will perform, and suitable refreshments will also be available. It competes in three categories: women over 40, men over 40, women from 15 to 39 and men from 15 to 39. The entry fee is €15 per person, which also includes children ticket for the Špas na vas festival, beer (for those over 18) and a t-shirt. After the run, competitors will have the opportunity to participate in other extreme sports competitions or simply attend the event. You can read more about the event and registration at Facebook pages of the event.

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