
Spatial environment

Why is there a mansion next to the river? Why is there a power plant in the manor, next to it is a park and high-rise buildings? The workshop raises questions about how architecture affects the environment, how it shapes space, adds or takes something away from it. Children make a plan or model of their idea of designing a given space. Sunday workshops...

Important information
Museum of Architecture and Design, , Ljubljana
Facebook event
Entrance fee
Entry is free for children.

Why is there a mansion next to the river? Why is there a power plant in the manor, next to it is a park and high-rise buildings? The workshop raises questions about how architecture affects the environment, how it shapes space, adds or takes something away from it. Children make a plan or model of their idea of designing a given space.

Sunday workshops are a place for fun, games and socializing. They are suitable for children from the age of 5, younger accompanied by parents. No announcements needed!

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