
Speak wisely or be silent wisely: when you talk about others, you are really talking about YOURSELF

Acting, prying into the lives of others and speaking enviously, you rarely understand it as something other than what it really is - and in this case, according to psychology and psychoanalytic therapy, it is a defense mechanism of projection: when you don't like something about yourself, you project it and attribute it to others to people.

When you talk about others, you are really talking about YOURSELF:

One day, an old farmer sat on the porch of his modest home to enjoy the sun and a light breeze for a moment. A path leading to the next village wound past his house. While the old man was enjoying the view of the sunset, a man passed by his home on the path. “What a lazy man. It doesn't do anything. All he does is sit on his porch and just enjoy himself,” he thought.
A few minutes later, another traveler walked along the path. The latter came to mind: “That man on the porch looks like Don Juan. He's probably sitting there with the intention of stalking unsuspecting girls.'
Finally, a third traveler passes by the porch. He saw the man in a completely different light: "This man deserves a rest." He has worked hard all his life and now he has every right, even duty, to enjoy the small joys of nature."

When you talk about others, you are really talking about yourself
When you talk about others, you are really talking about yourself

The story, in a caricature way, illustrates the situations that occur in human life take place on a daily basis. In the story, the men did not know the farmer sitting on the porch; they had a limited amount of information about him and filled in the rest with their own projections that they could far from the truth, even if they were convinced of them. And often just that YOU DO TOO!
Think about how many times it has already happened that you project your own content, expectations, unresolved problems, fears... onto people you don't know, as well as those who are close to you. Such thoughts and projections are possible make aware just by coming to terms with the fact that about other people YOU DON'T KNOW EVERYTHING and that the only real way to satisfy this uncertainty is to make it easy for them you give space for them to SPEAK FOR THEMSELVES.

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