

Do we really need a robotic ball no bigger than our fist? No. Even if you could control it with smartphones (iOS, Android) via Bluetooth connection? Well, yes, maybe. Would you like something like that? The answer is Sphero. A plastic sphere the size of a baseball that can glow in any color, ...

Do we really need a robotic ball no bigger than our fist? No. Even if you could control it with smartphones (iOS, Android) via Bluetooth connection? Well, yes, maybe. Would you like something like that? The answer is Sphero. A baseball-sized plastic ball that can glow in any color doesn't predict the future, but it does. With support for open source apps and games (Sphero Golf, virtual reality pong, etc.) through which we will manage Sphero, the world of ingenuity and fun is endless. At least at first glance.


Price: about 130 euros, available at www.gosphero.com

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