
Spice up summer days: 3 great recipes for cocktails with spices

Summer is in full swing and the evenings are more than ideal for a refreshing drink on your home terrace. Whether you're alone or with friends, in both cases it's time to spice up the summer with Spices & Drinks. Kotanyi offers juniper berries, cardamom and red pepper, which pair perfectly with gin and vodka cocktails, making them delicious, fresh and different.

Here are three recipes for great cocktails that will be perfectly enlivened by spices Kotanyi Spices & Drinks.

Cardamom gin and tonic

Cardamom gin and tonic
Cardamom gin and tonic


  • 4 cl of gin
  • 10 cl of tonic
  • 4-5 cardamom pods Kotanyi Spices & Drinks
  • 1 slice of fresh cucumber
  • 1 slice of lime
  • ice cubes


Crush the cardamom seeds, add ice, gin and tonic. At the end, add 3 or 4 grains for decoration cardamom Kotanyi Spices & Drinks and a slice of cucumber and lime.

Black Fizz

Black Fizz
Black Fizz


  • ½ lemon
  • 10 grains of juniper berries Kotanyi Spices & Drinks
  • 2 cl blueberry puree
  • 6 leaves of fresh mint
  • 4 cl of gin
  • 10 cl of mineral water
  • ice cubes


Mix lemon, juniper berries, mint and blueberry puree in a shaker. Add ice and gin and stir well. Pour into a glass with ice and add mineral water. Garnish with fresh mint and juniper berries Kotanyi Spices & Drinks.

Raspberry Pink Peppercorn

Raspberry Pink Peppercorn
Raspberry Pink Peppercorn



Crush the red pepper in a shaker and add all the remaining ingredients except the tonic. Pour the mixture into a glass with ice and top with tonic.

Kotanyi Spices & Drinks
Kotanyi Spices & Drinks

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