
Sport riding camps

In July and August, the Kaja and Grom ranch prepares two active programs for children, suitable for younger and older people and those who want more sports activities and more knowledge. This time we will learn and get to know horses. Both young and old can take part in a sports-riding camp,...

Important information
Ranč Kaja in Grom, Razgor 11, Vojnik
Facebook event
Entrance fee
450 euros

Julija in avgusta na ranču Kaja in Grom pripravljajo dva aktivna programa za otroke, primerna za mlajše in starejše ter tiste, ki želijo več športnih aktivnosti in več znanja. Tokrat se bomo učili in spoznavali konje. Tako mlajši kot starejši se lahko udeležijo športno-jahalnega tabora, ki vključuje tudi preživetje v divjini. Cena: 450 evrov.


Active weekly programmes for children are organized at the ranch Kaja and Grom in July and August. The children will learn about nature and animals, learn the animal language, especially the horses, they will take care of them, and they will learn how to ride properly. Price: 450 EUR.

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