
Nike Elastico Superfly IC SE sports shoes

The Nike Elastico Superfly IC SE sports shoes are designed specifically for playing sports on indoor surfaces. Their sole builds a low profile so that the foot is closer to the ground during recreation, and in addition, the upper part of the shoe also has a luminous effect, as we have already seen with the Mercurial Superfly CR7 shoes, which will let opponents know that you mean business.

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Elastico Superfly IC SE
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The microtextured upper part of the shoe combines "Flyknit", "Nikeskin" and "All Conditions Control" to ensure that you will feel like you are playing barefoot. Basically, the Nike Elastico Superfly IC SE sports shoes are really the closest thing to the feeling of bare feet right now, but still protected enough to play football in comfort.

Nike Elastico Superfly IC SE.
Nike Elastico Superfly IC SE.

They differ from their predecessor, the Mercurial Superfly CR7, which was also worn by Cristiano Ronaldo, mainly because the additional layer of "Nikeskin" increases durability, and "Flyknit" allows for better grip and control.

Nike Elastico Superfly IC SE with a low profile sole that gives the feeling of playing football barefoot.
Nike Elastico Superfly IC SE with a low profile sole that gives the feeling of playing football barefoot.

In stores across Europe, the sports shoes should be available at the end of December this year, but the shoes can already be purchased through the Nike online store.

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