
Spring fatigue: how to get rid of it?

Is spring fatigue at work? Read how to drive her away!

Spring fatigue is an unusual state of the organism that occurs on the transition from winter to spring time. It is characterized by symptoms such as fatigue, sleepiness, lack of energy and lack of motivation, and in more severe cases also irritability, restlessness, headaches, dizziness and pain in various parts of the body.

Experts are divided into two camps when it comes to spring fatigue. The first are of the opinion that chronic fatigue accompanies many people throughout the year, so it cannot be associated with the seasons. Others oppose them and claim that the human body loses vitality in winter due to lack of movement, shorter days and eating food that does not contain many vitamins. With spring, the sun shines in our lives, people suddenly want to become more active, and the body simply cannot bear such a twist. Despite the fact that this theory is well established, there is still no tangible scientific evidence to support it.

Some experts believe that spring fatigue is caused by winter laziness.
Some experts believe that spring fatigue is caused by winter laziness.

If you've been feeling tired lately, despite getting enough sleep, you're probably already wondering how to get rid of spring fatigue. What should you do if you want to contribute to a better feeling?

  • Spend more time movement in nature. Take up your favorite outdoor sport and take a deep breath in the fresh air.
  • Enjoy as much as you can fruits and vegetables, which will provide your body with much-needed nutrients vitamins. If possible, choose organic food of domestic origin.
  • Your body needs a new boost after the Christmas-New Year holidays and Carnival, so it is needed to purify. Put it on your menu detox foods, such as garlic, lemon, kiwi, green leafy vegetables, olive oil, avocado and green tea.

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