
Sredina pravljična dogodivščina v znamenju prihajajoče Velike noči

  Prisrčen pozdrav ljubiteljem lepih zgodbic!   V sredo, 4.aprila, vas ob 17.30 uri vabimo v prijeten ambijent otroške knjigarne Kres pod gradom na naše vsakotedensko druženje. Tokrat bosta pravljična ...

Important information
children's bookstore Kres pod gradom, Krekov trg 2 (in the Puppet Theater building, entrance on the right side of the building, opposite the funicular), Ljubljana, Ljubljana
Facebook event
Entrance fee
Free entry!


Prisrčen pozdrav ljubiteljem lepih zgodbic!


V sredo, 4.aprila, vas ob 17.30 uri vabimo v prijeten ambijent otroške knjigarne Kres pod gradom na naše vsakotedensko druženje. Tokrat bosta pravljična urica in ustvarjalna delavnica potekali v znamenju prihajajoče Velike noči. Brali bomo pravljico Hopek in velikonočni zajček.


Only one bunny is the Easter Bunny. It is swifter than the wind, and not even a falcon can find it. "I'll be that bunny," concludes Hopek and goes on a wander.


The event is intended for children from three to ten years of age, but of course visitors of all ages are welcome! 🙂


You are cordially invited to the pleasant atmosphere of our bookstore!

contact: 041 338 808

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