
Wednesday's fairytale adventure with the rare and unusual picture book Firefly Nina

Warm greetings, young and old lovers of children's books and creativity! The firefly Nino shone every night. Only Luna shone brighter than him. But what would happen if the Moon got tired? Could Nino's dream come true? Join us on Wednesday,...

Important information
children's bookshop Kres pod gradom, Krekov trg 2 (in the Lutkovne gadališče building, entrance on the right side of the building, opposite the funicular), Ljubljana
Facebook event
Entrance fee
Free entry!

Prisrčno pozdravljeni, mali in veliki ljubitelji otroških knjigic in ustvarjanja!

Kresniček Nino je svetil vsako noč. Le Luna je sijala močneje od njega.
A kaj bi se zgodilo, če bi se Luna utrudila? Bi se Ninu morda izpolnile njegove sanje?

Pridruži se nam v sredo, 5.10. ob 17.30 uri v otroški knjigarni Kres in skupaj bomo ugotovili ali so se Kresničku Ninu izpolnile njegove sanje. Kasneje sledi ustvarjalna delavnica v znamenju prebrane knjige.

All children from three to ten years of age and everyone else who would be interested in the event are cordially invited!

The Kres pod gradom bookstore collective

contact: 041 338 808



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