Among all the towns that for a few hours or days a year go back for a few centuries in history, Kamnik has a special place. This year, only one proof of this is the final spectacle, when we will be able to watch the performance of the cantata Carmina Burana
Among all the towns that for a few hours or days a year go back for a few centuries in history, Kamnik has a special place. This year, only one proof of this is the final spectacle, when we will be able to watch the performance of the cantata Carmina Burana − skupni projekt kamniškega zbora Canteamus in zbora nemškega mesta Andechs. Prireditev je svoj ugled in prepoznavnost pridobila še z Vrtomirjevim prstanom − posebnimi igrami brez meja v izvedbi Kulturnega društva Priden možic.