
Saint Catherine

There, the misty blanket disperses under the power and warmth of the persistent sun rays, which are not stopped even by the gloomy autumn atmosphere.

Good morning!

A new day, new opportunities and new adventures are ahead. The days are shorter and winter is slowly knocking on the door, so let's take the opportunity to spend as much time as possible in nature, which drops its leafy clothes to the ground and allows a walk in the forest to take on a new colorful and rustling dimension. Let's experience it with a hike to St. Katarina, areas in the Polhograj Dolomites: from Tošč and Grmada in the west, Ločnica in the north, Jetrbenka in the east and Osredek in the south. There are quite a few starting points to its top. From Ljubljana you can take the road towards Polhovo Gradac and at Žerovnik turn right up the hill or from Podutik past the Toška čela. But we choose the third option and drive from the city center in the direction of Medvod, go down the slope above Motel Medno and turn left at the intersection, cross the railway line and keep to the left again. The road and signposts will take us after a few kilometers past the settlement of houses to Slavkov dom, which is famous for its good home-made food with the house specialty, bull anthers, and venison goulash. Food too heavy for breakfast, but a good suggestion on the way back, when we will be hungry enough to try their offer. During the weekends, the number of visitors is high, so sometimes you have to wait for a free table or reserve it in advance. But nice in order. Let's park our vehicle and first go along the marked forest path, which is again on our left. It is not demanding and is well marked. It is suitable for anyone, young or old, who wants to rise above the Ljubljana fog, enjoy the fresh air and enjoy the variety of nature regardless of the season.

Above the fog curtain

Following the slowly ascending path, we will exceed the altitude of 600 meters and a new world will begin to open before us. The sun's rays will first peek through the greyish veil, warming our pale cheeks and bringing us to the sunny side. It seems incredible, especially for those who will be at home, enveloped in a foggy atmosphere, while we bathe in the sun and let its warm rays caress our body and spirit. In order to prolong the pleasure and capture the moment, we sit down on one of the benches along the path, put our faces to the sun and, to top it all off, bite into a delicious snack that we smuggle in our backpack. Life is really beautiful, especially when we make the world around us as simple as possible and know how to find small pleasures without big expectations. However, this does not mean that nothing can surprise us. It would be very boring without it. Thus, after about a thirty-minute walk, we arrive at a clearing, where first of all, an incredibly beautiful view opens up in front of us from the Polhograj Dolomites, the Karavanki, the Kamnik-Savinj Alps to the Julian Mountains with our proud Triglav in the distance. We feel as if we have half of Slovenia in the palm of our hands. Let's continue with this impression and soon we will see a crossroads that offers us two options: to Sv. Catherine or her brother St. Jacob, who appears on the right side. It is not easy to choose and the day is too beautiful not to take full advantage of it, so let's not be rude guests and accept the unexpected invitation of St. Jakob and its picturesque church at 806 meters above sea level. The journey itself and the short climb to its green lumpy top is a real pleasure, which can be further enhanced by visiting the Porentov fountain, restored in 2002, which is just a few steps from the path. At the top, an extraordinary view opens up again and offers the opportunity to visit the lovely church, whose present appearance dates back to 1898 and delights connoisseurs of sacred buildings. Let's continue and return from the unexpected "bend" to the path to Sv. Katarina, which was our main goal.

The smell of homemade delicacies.
The smell of homemade delicacies.

It is not without reason that St. Katarina is also a popular spot for Sunday trips, as at its top there are quite a few options for ordering a delicious lunch full of local delicacies. Therefore, let's strain our last strength and go to our goal well motivated. On the way, the church of St. Katarine, who will indicate to us that we are already very close, and then it only depends on us which of the inns we will enter to fill our stomachs. We will choose from a range of local specialties adapted to the season. Thus, on cold days, kohlrabi, cabbage and roasted potatoes, as well as always fresh tarragon sprigs, and of course also the indispensable homemade herbal tea and fragrant gibanica appear on the plates. Guys, so just hurry to the selected door or to the Inn on Vihri, where they will be happy to serve us the aforementioned delicacies. Due to the hospitality and the pleasant atmosphere, we also consider the place as a location for New Year's Eve party and entering the New Year, which is organized by the owner among other activities. Then let's slowly "float" back to the valley.

Info Box

SLAVKOV DOM INN – Golo Brdo 8,
Medvode, (01) 361 12 42
GOSTILNA NA VIHRI – Topol pri Medvode
10, Medvode, (01) 361 36 58,

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